So viel Auto, wie ich will.

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Many good reasons …

Explore our cityFlitzer in the Rhine-Main area!

We have more than 45 cityFlitzer areas, including Frankfurt airport, where you can pick up or drop off a cityFlitzer.

Flexibel durch die Stadt und übers Land

Klein, wendig und ganz ohne Vorausbuchung. cityFlitzer in der App finden, einsteigen und durchstarten! cityFlitzer bis zu 14 Tage behalten und die Fahrt flexibel jederzeit beenden.

cityFlitzer today, convertible or e-car tomorrow?

There is so much more! Besides our hundreds of cityFlitzer we also offer hundreds of stationary cars! Choose the right ride every day.

Simple and fair – every day

Our basic tariff comes with no monthly costs. You pay only if you drive! Even better: cityFlitzer rides are charged by kilometer and time. Our 15-minute tact makes pricing fair and transparent.

This is how it works!

  • Sign up online

    Quick and comfortable! Please keep your ID and driver license handy.

  • Activation

    Usually, your account is ready and running in less than 10 minutes.

  • Find a car & drive

    You have now access to over 1,000 cars! Find an available one and open it with your PIN!

Sign up now

Frequently asked questions

Our carsharing service is easy and simple to use. To get you on the road quickly and well-equipped we put together the most important questions for you!

Other questions

Ride examples

Fuel always included

VW up! mit cityFlitzer-Beklebung

Field trip

4 hours, 50 km

€ 27,10 *

Day trip

24 hours, 100 km

€ 69,00 *

Grocery shopping

2 hours, 12 km

€ 7,32 *
price calculator

* in our Abo tarif. Our basic tarif has higher individual rates.

What our customers say about us

App makes it super easy getting a car, rates are fair and I am only using (and paying for) a car when I actually need it.

Ercan S. (36) from Darmstadt

Thanks to cityFlitzer I can always be spontaneous without any commitment. There are no hidden costs, you pay per ride. Basically, you drive whenever you need them.

Sophia L. (31) from Frankfurt

Mostly, I use them as a one-way ride coming home from doing sports or going shopping. You can’t be more flexible than that.

Karola S. (49) from Mainz

Where to find us

Where is your next cityFlitzer?

Find cityFlitzer in Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Ingelheim, Mainz, Oberursel, Offenbach und Wiesbaden.

Find a car